XenForo 2.0.10 is now available for all licensed customers to download. We recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo 2.0 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased stability.
In addition, we are now providing admins with a way to view helpful server information at a glance. Look out for the "Server environment report" block on the Admin CP home page:
This will provide at-a-glance information about the environment in which XenForo is...
XenForo 2.0.10 Released
Written by XenForo - (Weiterlesen)
In addition, we are now providing admins with a way to view helpful server information at a glance. Look out for the "Server environment report" block on the Admin CP home page:

This will provide at-a-glance information about the environment in which XenForo is...
XenForo 2.0.10 Released
Written by XenForo - (Weiterlesen)