XenForo An update from XenForo

Recently, we've had a few questions regarding our progress towards version 2.2 of XenForo, so it feels like the time is right to post an update to keep you all in the loop.

First things first, we have to say that 2.2 isn't as far along as we would have liked. However, it is now our primary development focus and we are really excited at what we have lined up for inclusion in 2.2. The reasons for the delay are various, but there are measures in place to ensure that this should be the last time we have to announce that we are running a little late.

Among our behind-the-scenes projects that have contributed to the late arrival of 2.2 is an effort to update xenforo.com itself to run on the XenForo 2 framework, which allows us to quickly bring new features to essential parts of the site like support tickets, the customer area and the sales system. It will also mean an update and a new design for the slightly-beyond-geriatric home page we have sported for the past nine years! We look forward to rolling out our updated site and support systems in the very near future.

There are a number of other projects on the back burner waiting to bubble up in the near future, and we are sure that you will be pleased when you see what we've got cooking.

One other little project that was simmering for a while is the new arrival to clan Deeming, and we extend our congratulations once again to Chris and his family.

We have also had some staffing changes. Those of you who have recently used the ticket system to contact us may have spoken with Gemma Eastwood, who joined us this year to help with various administrative and financial work and has been keeping us very much in-check by also doubling up as our new Project Manager, drawing on her experience working at Burberry, RealNetworks and Pragmatic.

Speaking of staffing changes, we could use a few more hands on deck, so it's time to look for a developer or two. Initially, this would be a part-time position with flexible hours, though ideally, we would be looking for a commitment of at least 10 hours per week. Going forward, this would progress to a full-time, permanent position if things work out for all parties.

If you have 10 hours a week spare, are passionate about writing high quality software and you are comfortable with writing code for XenForo that meets our usual core standards then please start a conversation with us. We look forward to hearing from you and, hopefully, working with you in the future.

Written by XenForo - (Weiterlesen)