News aus der Forenwelt

XenForo Resource Manager 1.2.3 is a maintenance release for our resource manager add-on. We recommend all customers running XenForo Resource Manager 1.2 upgrade to 1.2.3 to benefit from increased stability. This release fixes several bugs that were reported following the release of XenForo Resource Manager 1.2.2: Fix an issue where clicking the "Updated Resource File" label focuses the wrong input while adding a new version. Fix for an 'Undefined index error' in... XenForo Resource Manager 1.2.3 Released Written by XenForo - (Weiterlesen)
Today, we are pleased to release XenForo 1.5.5. This release fixes a number of bugs and issues that were found since the release of 1.5.3. As this is a maintenance release, the vast majority of the focus was an increase in stability. Please note that we are now formally recommending that you upgrade to PHP 5.4 or newer. Our intention with XenForo 2.0 is to require PHP 5.4 or newer. If you are running PHP 5.3 or 5.2, you will receive a warning when installing or upgrading XenForo. Some of... XenForo 1.5.5(a) Released Mehr dazu -->
Today, we are pleased to release XenForo 1.5.5. This release fixes a number of bugs and issues that were found since the release of 1.5.3. As this is a maintenance release, the vast majority of the focus was an increase in stability. Please note that we are now formally recommending that you upgrade to PHP 5.4 or newer. Our intention with XenForo 2.0 is to require PHP 5.4 or newer. If you are running PHP 5.3 or 5.2, you will receive a warning when installing or upgrading XenForo. Some of... XenForo 1.5.5 Released Mehr dazu -->
XenForo Media Gallery 1.1.4 is a maintenance release for our media gallery add-on. We recommend all customers running XenForo Media Gallery to upgrade to 1.1.4 to benefit from increased stability. This release fixes several bugs that were reported following the release of XenForo Media Gallery 1.1.3: Tweak to attachment uploader styling Better support for RTL languages when tagging users in media Couple of small permission checks in templates Change so that the auto... XenForo Media Gallery 1.1.4 Released Mehr dazu -->
During routine internal testing, we discovered a security issue within XenForo 1.3 and newer. The issue allows a cross site scripting (XSS) attack to potentially be triggered via a specially crafted profile post. XSS issues may allow an attacker to steal data (including cookies) or force a user to take actions without their consent or knowledge (possibly including administrative actions). We strongly recommend all XenForo customers follow one of the steps below to resolve this issue.... XenForo 1.5.4 Released (Security Fix) Mehr dazu -->
During routine internal testing, we discovered a security issue within XenForo 1.3 and newer. The issue allows a cross site scripting (XSS) attack to potentially be triggered via a specially crafted profile post. XSS issues may allow an attacker to steal data (including cookies) or force a user to take actions without their consent or knowledge (possibly including administrative actions). We strongly recommend all XenForo customers follow one of the steps below to resolve this issue.... XenForo 1.4.12 Released (Security Fix) Mehr dazu -->
During routine internal testing, we discovered a security issue within XenForo 1.3 and newer. The issue allows a cross site scripting (XSS) attack to potentially be triggered via a specially crafted profile post. XSS issues may allow an attacker to steal data (including cookies) or force a user to take actions without their consent or knowledge (possibly including administrative actions). We strongly recommend all XenForo customers follow one of the steps below to resolve this issue.... XenForo 1.3.10 Released (Security Fix) Mehr dazu -->
Hot on the heels of our XenForo Media Gallery 1.1 announcement, we are now also ready to show what's coming in XenForo Resource Manager 1.2. Resource Manager 1.2, like Media Gallery 1.1, will require XenForo 1.5. Resource tagging As we mentioned in the thread tagging... Resource Tagging, New Reviews and More Mehr dazu -->
Today, we're ready to talk about what's coming in version 1.1 of the XenForo Media Gallery add-on. Updated media tagging Mike said: ↑ We intend on releasing updates to our official add-ons to add support for tagging. Click to expand... So, this one likely isn't going to be much of a surprise. XFMG already includes a content tagging system for media. In XFMG 1.1 we are replacing that system with the same content agnostic system we... Updated Media Tagging, Video Uploads and More Mehr dazu -->
Welcome to XenForo 1.5. We're now ready to upgrade and start putting the new code through its paces. Following this, we will start the public beta process. All customers with active licenses will be able to download and test the new version. However, please be aware that beta versions are not supported and should not be installed on production sites. There are still some other assorted improvements coming in XenForo 1.5 that we haven't covered yet, so let's look at those...... Welcome to XenForo 1.5 / Assorted Improvements Mehr dazu -->
The ability to Email Users from the Admin CP based on user search criteria has been part of XenForo since its very first release. In XenForo 1.5 we have enhanced this and added some additional ways of contacting your users. Alert Users View attachment 109696 Using the same search criteria that can be used to email users, you can now mass send Alerts to your users. By default, an alert will appear to be from your own account. Alternatively you... User messaging improvements and welcome contact Mehr dazu -->
Tags are a common method of adding keywords to content to aid searching and discovery. In XenForo 1.5, we're adding support for applying tags to threads, as well as a framework for add-ons to add tags to their own content types. View attachment 109353 Thread tags apply to the thread itself (rather than individual posts), so they are displayed at the top of the thread view, independent of any post. Clicking any tag will take you to a page displaying all content that has that tag... Thread Tagging Mehr dazu -->
Today, we are pleased to release XenForo 1.5.3. This release fixes a number of bugs and issues that were found since the release of 1.5.2. As this is a maintenance release, the vast majority of the focus was an increase in stability. Please note that we are now formally recommending that you upgrade to PHP 5.4 or newer. Our intention with XenForo 2.0 is to require PHP 5.4 or newer. If you are running PHP 5.3 or 5.2, you will receive a warning when installing or upgrading XenForo. Add-on... XenForo 1.5.3 Released Mehr dazu -->
XenForo Media Gallery 1.1.3 is a maintenance release for our media gallery add-on. We recommend all customers running XenForo Media Gallery to upgrade to 1.1.3 to benefit from increased stability. This release fixes several bugs that were reported following the release of XenForo Media Gallery 1.1.2: Private image thumbnails potentially visible in the news feed. Ratings failed to import when using the PhotoPost Pro (XenForo) importer. When in a category or an album marking... XenForo Media Gallery 1.1.3 Released Mehr dazu -->
XenForo Resource Manager 1.2.2 is a maintenance release for our resource manager add-on. We recommend all customers running XenForo Resource Manager 1.2 upgrade to 1.2.2 to benefit from increased stability. This release fixes one bug: Fix an issue where, when editing, more attachments could be added to a resource than should have been allowed. For the full list of bug fixes, see the Resolved... XenForo Resource Manager 1.2.2 Released Mehr dazu -->
XenForo Enhanced Search (XFES) 1.1.3 is a maintenance release for our add-on that replaces XenForo's built in search engine with one powered by Elasticsearch to provide greater performance and better search results. This release fixes several bugs: Remove the default stopwords list as it is not applied in many cases. Fix incompatibility with Elasticsearch 2.0 when loading a script for scoring. Fix incompatibility with Elasticsearch 2.0... XenForo Enhanced Search 1.1.3 Released Mehr dazu -->
Today, we are pleased to release XenForo 1.5.2. This release fixes a number of bugs and issues that were found since the release of 1.5.1. Importantly, this release includes a fix for a potential security issue discovered by Miguel Ángel Jimeno (@migueljimeno96). The issue employs a tactic known as "reverse tabnabbing" in which a link that opens in a new tab contains code that can redirect the original tab... XenForo 1.5.2 Released (Includes Security Fix) Mehr dazu -->
Today, we're showing you some exciting changes to Notices that we're bringing to you in XenForo 1.5: Displaying an image View attachment 109236 With the introduction of the above option it is now possible to display an image on a notice. You can either display the current visitor's avatar or provide a path or URL to one: View attachment 109237 This addition should help draw more attention to your notices. [FONT=Trebuchet... [url='']Improvements to notices[/url] Mehr dazu -->
Account security has become a hot topic recently. There are seemingly endless stories about password databases from popular sites being leaked. Because password reuse is common, we've started to see brute force login attempts using these leaked passwords. Maintaining account security has become a big priority. To help this, we've added a few new features. Two-Step Verification Two-step verification, also known as two-factor authentication, requires... Two-Step Verification and Security Improvements Mehr dazu -->
Today we'll be talking about some smaller improvements that we have made in XF 1.5 which have been heavily requested. Ability to disable trophies globally View attachment 108585 The above option appears below the Trophy list in the Admin CP and in the User Options option group which makes it easy to switch off the Trophy system. When disabled, trophies will no longer be awarded, nor will the UI display anything that mentions trophy points.... Miscellaneous improvements Mehr dazu -->